Saying Goodbye to Barefoot!

🦶 There are many words, and yet not enough, to describe this weekend. Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon is a witty tale of life immediately following marriage. It’s the story of two opposites who find themselves living in a NYC apartment building full of interesting people… least of all the zany upstairs neighbor. It’s the anecdote of a daughter trying to prove to her prim and proper mother that she is right… and succeeding. Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon is all of the above, and so much more.

But…with the immense accolades of Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon, we must point out that this weekend audience members were delighted with many magical moments created by a cast with immense dedication. These individuals poured their hearts into each performance and it was clear they had. Production staff members were stopped by many with praises about the actors. “Brilliant”, “so funny”, and “wow” were a few of the words used to describe this show.

The Actors Community Theater Group, INC. and the Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon directors thank everyone for their support. We would also like to thank this cast and crew—it is with your efforts that we all do what we love!

Also, we would like to say that we agree with the reviews we’ve heard… WOW.

As always, thank you.
#theactgroupinc #theactorscommunitytheatergroupinc #communitytheater #portjervisnewyork#BarefootInTheParkbyNeilSimon

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