The A.C.T. Group, INC. is excited to announce our latest adventure! Kara Raap will be joining us this time as DIRECTOR! Break a leg Kara!!
Read below to find out how YOU can be involved in our first NEW VOICES: A COMMUNITY PLAYWRIGHT SHOWCASE!
ATTENTION PLAYWRIGHTS: The Actors Community Theater Group, INC. is seeking original scripts to be performed at our upcoming event this September, New Voices: A Community Playwright Showcase. Submissions must meet the following criteria:
* Running time should not exceed ten minutes
* Cast size should not exceed 4 cast members
* Format will be Black Box with minimal set and props
* Submissions are due July 1, 2024 and should be sent to to be reviewed by the committee.
* Please submit two copies of each play, one identifying the playwright with contact information, and the other, a “blind copy” with no identifying information pertaining to the playwright.
Playwrights will be notified during the month of July if their submission is chosen.
By submitting your work, the playwrights acknowledges that The A.C.T. Group, INC. reserves the right to present the selected plays without payment of a royalty to the author/playwright and assumes directorial discretion.
Information will be forthcoming regarding auditions for this production once the committee has made its selections.
For more information, please contact The A.C.T. Group, INC. ( or director, Kara Raap ( We look forward to showcasing our talented local playwrights in this community event!
Please note, your original work can ONLY be submitted to work submitted any other way will disqualify your material.