A Christmas Carol 2024

🎩 “There is something special about this one I can’t put my finger on…” is a phrase I have said multiple times this week and the sentiment rings so very true, especially as we close this one out.

A Christmas Carol is a classic and one I personally didn’t resonate with for many years—until this cast. These people, a group of new comers and cast mates who have returned or have been with us through multiple productions. Each person with their own story and they beautifully came together to bring this story to life. Hours spent on character development, time outside of rehearsal spent moving set pieces, all with the same singular goal in mind, tell the story. Charles Dickens penned his classic nearly 200 years ago and this weekend people sat in our audience in awe of his message. There were tears, cheers and applause. That is because of the people in this photo.

To the cast: tears may have been shed, but there is a message I shared with Zelda that I want to remind you all of. “Don’t be sad because it’s over, be happy because it happened.” I am so proud of you. THANK YOU. Bravo.

To the crew: wow! You all jumped into the tasks that needed to be done and completed them! Your impact is invaluable. Remember that.

To the audience: THANK YOU. There is simply not enough ways to thank you for your support.

See you in the spring!

As we close out this special show I want to say, THANK YOU to all the cast and crew for this marvelous Christmas show! This was my first co-directing debut and I appreciate the patience the whole cast and my fellow co director had with me navigating this new adventure!

This cast worked hard during this busy holiday season and gave time they didn’t have! Sharing laughter and creating memories is one of the most treasured moments of community theater. To bring community theater to this city will always be a passion of mine, especially because everyone deserves to have a place!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart it’s been a pleasure to be one of your directors and manage the stage for you guys!
Thank you!

A Christmas Carol 2024

#theactgroupinc #theactorscommunitytheatergroupinc #communitytheater #portjervis

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